3 months!

three monthsBrigette is 3 months old!  Actually, I took these photos a bit late - she is more like three and a half months here.  (It's much harder to make these photos happen the second time around!!)  I recall with Vivi that I first used the word "fun" when she was three months old.  It was a tough first 12 weeks, but with Brigette, I used it much earlier (not to say those first weeks weren't challenging, but it didn't take me nearly as long to appreciate it).  It's so much better when you know what to expect.  I know that isn't everyone's experience, but if you are a first time mom thinking about another baby after a challenging newborn phase with the first, I hope this gives you some encouragement.  The weeks fly by so much more quickly, and sometimes I feel like I can't savor her babyhood enough!  Brigette is also very chill.  I'm glad I had her second, so I can appreciate her quietly content and cheerful demeanor.  Vivi wasn't that tough, but I never hold my breath when we are out with Brigette, waiting for a meltdown, and she goes with the flow so easily.  It's amazing, and I am loving it.  I used to think I didn't love the baby phase; now I'm realizing I actually do.  I just didn't know what in the world was going on before and didn't know at all what I was doing.  Three months is a huge milestone, because it's when personality starts to show a little more, and they turn into cuddly balls of baby chub.  Brigette loves sticking out her little tongue, smiling, and now that she is closer to four months, she is grabbing things, laughing more, and making lots and lots of sweet cooing noises.  I'm in love.

(Darling little romper from Jaxxwear. Sweet little Vivi at 3 months.)


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