A Modern Pink Bathroom for Kids

(Above bathroom designed by Arent & Pyke).
We are in the midst of the final details of our home renovation, which is super exciting, but also a bit nail biting. We have what feels like a million details to wrap up, but as it's the end of the project, we need to get them done inexpensively.
This is my first time really designing bathrooms, which is super fun, but also super crazy as this home reno ended up with five and a half of them. Yikes! That wasn't our original intention, but when we have four teenage girls running around, it will likely be something we are very grateful for. However, this means our budget is split among a lot of spaces, so I'm trying to infuse some personality without infusing a lot of dollars into them.

(above bathroom by Laura Butler Madden.)
The one I'm most excited about (other than mayyyybe the master) is the girls' shared bath. We're going to have a double vanity, and it's pretty roomy. I really wanted to add in some color, but it's a bit of a challenge finding cute colored tile on a dime (we are trying to stay around $5 per square foot or less for all of our bathroom tile).
I love penny tile, and when we were at Floor & Decor (the tile shop our contractor uses) I discovered they had bubblegum pink penny tile for about the same price as the white. I filed that away in my mind, and also loved this pink glass tile that was the closest to on target in terms of price. However, a month later, the bubblegum pink tile is nowhere to be found. It's not on their website, the sample isn't in the store, it seems to have vanished.
We asked one of the designers at the store about it, and she tracked down some of the remaining stock (I'm not sure if it's all of the remaining stock, or what is available close enough to us - it's coming in from the Savannah port), and Chip called and ordered every piece they had. I'm hoping we will have enough to do a pink penny tile backsplash on the vanity like in the photos above, but we will see! (Also, p.s. I haven't actually seen this tile in person. I'm going on the internet photos and just figuring we will make it work. Living on the edge is fun sometimes.)
So, here is the look and feel I'm trying to achieve in their bath. I'm hoping it will feel sweet and maybe a bit vintage-y, but with a modern twist. We are doing the shower/bath in the pink glass tile, and the floor and possibly vanity backsplash in the pink penny. I know a lot of people these days are trying to get rid of pink bathrooms, but I think it's going to last, and it can always be refreshed with a different coat of paint on the walls and new accessories.

What do you think? Are you into the pink? I think it will be fun - can't wait to share as we begin to get everything installed!