home gym and workout room design

Chip and I have had it on our to-do list to complete this home workout and gym space in the basement for quite awhile. Before the renovation, this room was my absolute least favorite in the house. It wasn't completely finished out, and for a host of reasons it was just difficult to make it useful, much less pretty. In the redesign, because of where it is in the house, it still couldn't have windows, the ceiling space is lower, and it has that recessed area on the right because of ductwork details, making it once again a challenging space.
sources for above: Frame Tv | Sconce | shelf brackets | balance blocks | foam roller | modern vase (similar) | gliders | weights | weight rack | 15 lb. weights | bands | wooden hook rack | similar shelves | acrylic bin | kettlebell | 5 lb weights | 3 lb weights | pink fan | bala bracelet | mat rack | wooden step | bala foam roller | bala mat | light strip behind arch

We weren't sure how we planned to use the space, but after moving in and getting settled, it became apparent it would make a great home gym and music studio. Chip loves creating music, so we set up one part of the room for that (which has been super fun with the tween set - I'll have to share more on it later) and the rest of the room is devoted to a workout space. I really wanted to create something that felt custom and intentional, and it has taken us awhile to get to it, but sometimes slow works out well.

We decided to use a Frame in here that Chip can use for video editing that he sometimes does, and it's super helpful for projecting workouts up there to follow. I also love that it's a fun, glowy piece of art. I wanted to give this wall some dimension, so Chip cut that arch from a piece of 1/2" birch plywood, and he attached it with two 2" x 4" pieces of wood behind it so that it pops off the wall a bit. We added this light strip behind it for that pretty light effect (and it has different modes - one will sync to the beat of the music, or you can just have it glow!) and attached two shelves with these brackets, and that sconce at the top.

The shelves are perfect for holding some of my lightweight workout favorites, like these balance blocks, a foam roller, some gliders, and the vase makes a fun holder for bands.

I've been slowly collecting some workout equipment over the past few years. I love that this bookcase I formerly had in the girls room matches perfectly, and is great for holding weights. Chip gave me this weight set for my birthday, and these hooks are great for workout bands. I've been using this wooden box, and this wall mounted rack is great for yoga mats or large foam rollers. I'm also smitten with this cute pink fan, and I think I may snag another one.
Sources for above: weights | weight rack | 15 lb. weights | bands | wooden hook rack | similar shelves | acrylic bin | kettlebell | 5 lb weights | 3 lb weights | pink fan | bala bracelet | mat rack | wooden step | bala foam roller | bala mat

I love incorporating some barre workouts into my week when I can, so Chip hung this handrail, which works great as a barre, and he picked up the mirrors from Home Depot, and hung them with liquid nails.

The metal pole is structural and has to stay, so to make it more interesting, I painted an elongated checkerboard pattern on it. I think it is really fun now!
sources for above: handrail | mirrors

Just for fun, here is a peek at the music side of the studio. I bought this new chair to brighten up the space, and we hung the guitars with these hooks. Chip built the desk with galvanized pipe and butcher block.

This room makes me so happy - it's such a calming space, and so inspiring at the same time! It honestly makes me want to spend more time in there, and it makes workouts extra fun. The transformation is really pretty simple - it's amazing what paint and a little plywood and strategic lighting will do!
