Laundry & Mudroom Organization for Back to School
Back to school can feel overwhelming, with all the bags, papers, scheduling, uniforms, etc. etc. etc. Now that I have two in elementary school, I have had to up my game a little when it comes to getting organized and creating a system that will make for happy mornings and staying on top of homework and calendars.
Pictured above: Ladder Drying Rack; Small Pink Bins; Large Wire Bins; the bins also come in navy, if you aren't into pink!; Staggered Glass Sconces; Brass Hook Racks for jackets & bags; Small Faux Cactus; Large Faux Cactus; check out this post for more details about flooring, and this post for more about the shelves
I made a few updates this year to make our mornings easier. Vivi and Brigette are both wearing uniforms, and need to get out of the door pretty quickly in the mornings. Each girl already had a shoe bin and a wall hook, and I purchased some slightly larger bins for each of them where their uniforms live, so they can easily find everything. *These bins also come in navy, if you don't want pink, but like the look!
The girls also have to wear white or navy socks with their uniforms, so I have another bin just dedicated to socks, and beside it, a small basket for hair accessories, with a hairbrush. The girls know when they get home in the afternoons to take their shoes off, put their socks in the dirty clothes basket, change into their playclothes, and put their uniforms in the dirty clothes. It's really great, because all the school stuff stays in one place, and I don't lose socks, parts of their uniforms, etc. So easy!
They also bring home so many papers every day, which can get completely overwhelming. I have a little file holder with hanging files for each kid, so all their papers have a dedicated space, and I have the calendars, notices, ALL THE THINGS for each classroom there.
Also, to keep up with all the reminders, I hung a weekly calendar on the wall to keep up with all the things such as "Vivi needs to wear a field trip shirt on Friday," "Brigette need to bring in a printed family photo (who has those?)", and so on and so on. I found this one at Target, and drilled two holes in the top and threaded through some rope for hanging. (I can't find it online! but they had it in the planner section in the store!)
Lastly, I switched out the grown up table, for a spare kid table I had, and it's the perfect spot for getting homework done!
That's about it! A lot of you had questions about organization when I did the Q & A on instagram - I have to really work at it, honestly, but it makes my life so much easier when I have a system. I hope this helps some of you - please let me know if you have any questions! I'm also doing a video tour on insta stories this evening!