summer snack time with munchkin
Since having kids, I have come to the realization that if something can possibly be dropped/spilled/tipped over/knocked/etc., then it will. No one else has the reflexes of a toddler mom. I think we are all pretty much poised to catch just about anything at a moment's notice, and sometimes it feels like my kids are all elbows that knock over anything in their path. Therefore, I'm pretty excited about these No Tip Cups from Munchkin with weighted bottoms that make them a challenge to spill.
Not only do they work really well, but the girls love to feel like they are using grown up cups, so it's a win on both ends. I also love using them for special snacks and such, so I'm sharing the girls' favorite fruit salad recipe that works really well with these cups.
This recipe isn't anything complicated; it's really the presentation that makes it special, along with a drizzle of orange juice that makes it extra sweet. It's also a super easy snack that the littles can help with as well.
What you need (and you can adjust this according to what fruit you have on hand; the essentials are really some kind of citrus and bananas):
strawberries | blackberries | grapefruit or orange slices | bananas | apples | orange juice | sprinkles
First, just wash the fruit and cut everything up. Place fruit into cups, either by layer or all mixed together. Let your little sous chef decide.
Next, pour a small amount of orange juice over the top (or you can squeeze a few orange slices if you don't have orange juice, which tastes just as good!). This is Vivi's favorite part, for sure. Then add some straws if you wish, and a few sprinkles for an extra dash of fun.
Now you have a pretty little fruit cup!
The girls love the fancy presentation, and it makes for a fun afternoon treat, without the worry of spills or extra messes.
We are also huge fans of the Miracle Deco cups. They are really easy to clean (no tiny little weird nooks or crannies), and pop apart easily, and the best part is they absolutely don't spill. I've had my share of sippy cup frustrations, and these take the cake for having no leakage.
We have been using these for awhile, but the girls are big fans of the new whale and bird patterns! They are so cute.
Sometimes it's the simplest things that can make all the difference!!
Thank you so much to Munchkin for sponsoring this post, and for creating beautiful and innovative products that make my life as a mom easier so I can focus on the things that matter most.