toddler closet reading nook
with closet maid
Whew - I had a nice break! It was so refreshing and relaxing to take some time off. My parents had the girls for a few nights (so thankful!) so I could take a little trip with Chip and then we had one night at home to ourselves. It was so nice! I missed the babies, but sometimes it's nice to have 24 hours in your house to just relax and go with the flow. We watched soccer, fell asleep on the couch, went to a movie on a whim, slept in, and got a lot done on top of all that! It was such a treat. I cleaned out and organized Vivi's room, and it felt so nice. The toys and books were taking over, and we're planning to redo it here soon.
Closet Maid contacted me recently, offering to send a 6 cube organizer (they just launched at Target in June), and I figured it would be a great opportunity to work on Vivi's closet. I really haven't touched it much since she was born (!) other than to keep putting away more stuff. I don't really use it for clothes storage as she has plenty of drawers in her dresser, and that just seems to work better for her. She loves reading, and we had piles of books everywhere in her room, despite all my best efforts at keeping them organized, so this seemed like the perfect solution to provide a little extra book and toy storage.
There was still just enough room for fluffy pillows on the sides, and it's just the space she needs to crawl in and do some reading. She loves it - and it's made quiet time in the afternoon much better, too, since she usually only naps once a week these days. Lately, she has been wanting a little of her own space, since sweet little Brigette wants to be right there with her all the time, so she loves that she can shut the door and her books and toys in there are out of reach. I used some leftover wallpaper from Brigette's room to cover the back of the organizer for fun, and I'm using the cubes in the top of the closet for handy storage of outgrown clothes, before they make it into the basement where I have their old clothes in bins.
It's so nice to be making better use of her closet now, and I love that this little organizer is fun for her, too!