be a lover, not a biter

Recently, Vivi bit Chip while he was hugging her.  Actually, she has done it to him twice.  Then she did it to me early last week.  (If you are a playdate friend, please don't be alarmed!!)  She is around other kids, and I have never seen nor gotten reports of this being an issue with them, but still, ever since it happened, I have been telling her to be "a lover, not a biter."  It kind of adds some humor to the whole thing.  I thought it might be fun to put on a wall somewhere, so here is a fun download if you have a little biter on your hands, or just want to be a bit cheeky.  Click on the links in the margin to access an 8 x 10 pdf to download and print!

Just for fun, here are a few other thoughts:

(1) I have received a LOT of requests lately for shared room ideas (working on it!) and my friend Lesley just revealed the adorable room she put together for her sweet daughter Matilda to share with her baby sister who will arrive in November.  Be sure to check it out if you need some inspiration, or some encouragement!

(2) Love this post on HelloBee about maternity clothes.  Who knew there was such prettiness out there in maternity styles?

(3) If you like the script font I used above, you can find it here, thanks to the talented and endlessly creative Jenny of Hank + Hunt!

(4) I have an AWESOME giveaway coming up next week.  Want a hint?  Vivi has one of the same in her nursery . . . are you excited yet?


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