my, how things change!

Vivi Charles will be six months old this Wednesday!  It is hard to believe we are halfway to the one year mark.  She has just begun eating solids two weeks ago (I know, perhaps a bit later than some!), so our routine has been changed quite a bit.  She is such a morning baby - she wakes up chatting to herself in her crib, and when I go to get her, she is wearing a million dollar smile.  I have always loved our morning cuddle time when she has her breakfast bottle, but now with this introduction of cereal, things are so different!  I am missing our morning cuddles, although it is quite fun to watch her taste new things and try to learn to eat from a spoon.  The top left picture is from a couple of months ago, after she dozed off after her morning breakfast, and then there she is on the right for her first high-chair experience!  Just a reminder to savor each moment!


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