a few new site updates
We re-launched the new website several months ago, with a fresh, clean look that I really love (and hopefully y'all do, too!) and lately we've been trying to figure out where we can make it even better. I've gotten some feedback that it feels a little "professional" or "impersonal" because it is so simple and clean, so I recruited my beautifully talented friend Alea Moore to take some photos as I've had a few occasions lately where I've needed a headshot other than an awkwardly obvious selfie and so I had something fun to add into the sidebar. Posting photos of myself is not my typical deal, but I just wanted to share her work, and especially some of the sweetness she captured of my snuggly little Brigette.
(p.s. one of my favorite new shirts here.) Alea took most of these in our bedroom, which we recently overhauled. It's super cozy, and I'm still crazy about it. Recently, I have taken to a new nighttime routine which includes a hot shower and then reading before bed. I know that isn't anything crazy, but I found I was just doing things/work/etc. until it was time to crash and I would have a hard time settling down. The shower sort of washes away the day and clears my mind and then the reading under those perfectly glowy sconces just puts me in my happy place. I find I am less stressed and resting so much better!
As for the site updates: we added that little pic in the sidebar, along with links to social media and a direct link to the Lay Baby Lay print shop. We're also starting a newsletter (still figuring this one out!) but you can subscribe to get a rundown of all the posts from the previous week as well as a fun exclusive tidbit or two that will only be there. It's just another fun way to stay in touch, and I know some of you have inquired about subscribing, so hopefully this will help!
And there is my little snuggle bug. She has me wrapped around her finger so many times I don't know what to do with myself.
I mean, goodness.
Anyways, I appreciate so much that y'all keep coming back here. It's such a fun privilege to get to post inspiration here and share this experience of motherhood with you!!! Can't express it enough how grateful I am! Please let me know if you have other ideas or feedback for the site - I'd love to hear!