"oh tucked so close"

Vivi loves her baby sister.  I have honestly been a little surprised at her enthusiasm - I was expecting there to be a little more, um, jealousy.  Not that we haven't had a few tough moments, but most of the challenges seem to come more from her frustration at my unavailability at times and less directly at Brigette.  When we first brought baby home, I guarded her like a hawk and very carefully instructed Vivi to keep hands off of her face and to keep a safe distance, but I have come to realize she just wants to be close to her baby sister.  Vivi loves it when I lay Brigette on the bed so she can crawl up next to her and inspect her toes or her hands or throw an arm over her in a protective sisterly fashion.  I always feel like they are telling each other secrets that I can't understand.  How can I not let her be close when Brigette is, after all, her baby, too?  I'm still being careful, but I'm learning to relax a little . . .


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