september is . . .

Can you believe it is the last day of September?  I feel like the days are flying by - for the first six months after Vivi was born, the weeks seemed to go by so very slowly, but now it seems that I just can't keep up!  I turn around and she's 9 months, and then 10 months, and very soon she will reach the milestone of one year!  Ashley of the positively adorable Ice Milk Aprons emailed me to let me know September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness month, and somehow it is now the end of September and I am just now letting you know.  The organization Cure is working to raise awareness and support for those who are affected by this awful disease.  Go here to read the stories of some of the precious children who are fighting cancer, or go here to donate or enter the raffle for one of the awesome items they are giving away if you are feeling generous.



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