Christmas Gift Ideas for Little Girls (ages 2-5)
It's kind of amazing to me how helpful gift lists are right now for my kids. I remember being a kid, and knowing PRECISELY what I wanted for Christmas. My parents didn't need a gift guide or suggestions to figure it out.
My favorite year was when I got SweetSea, a beautiful little mermaid doll with fluffy, curly white hair and a pearlescent tail with a pink glittery fin. I can still even remember how she smelled. I wanted her from the minute I saw my friend from ballet open one up at her birthday party at ShowBiz (the place that has now become Chuck E. Cheese). I dreamed about her for what felt like weeks, and couldn't wait for Christmas morning to find her under the tree. My girls don't seem to have the same kind of fixation on a specific toy (maybe because they never see commercials? I don't know.), so I've found it can be more challenging to find the gift that suits them perfectly. Check out my big girl guide if you missed it, and here are some fun suggestions for the younger set!
(1) Peppermint Stripe Hat: All of my girls have been SUPER into accessories, and Ellie (turning three this weekend) loves to pile them on. She would be thrilled with some thoughtful and fun pieces to add to her collection to spice up any outfit.
(2) Snow Boots: Practical AND cute, these will be super handy on chilly, wet days and pass the bill for girly.
(3) Princess Magnetic Blocks: My mother in law got some of these for the girls last year, and they play with them all the time. They keep them super occupied, and they love making little houses and hideouts for tiny animals and figures. This one has some more fun pieces to expand into castles and such. Ellie has played with them since she turned two, so you would be surprised how into it even the younger ones will be.
(4) Gold Boots: Love these cute, but practical boots. Ellie LOVES shoes, too.
(5) Corelle Baby Doll: These baby dolls are the sweetest. They feel very high end (and smell so good!) but are less expensive than others, and Nordstrom has a really awesome selection of clothes and accessories to fit them perfectly. It looks like they are sold out of some of the dolls, but you can still find them on Amazon.
(6) Glittery Penguin Purse: Again, with the accessories. Extra sparkle for the win.
(7) Ballet Cat, Toto's Apple, The Alphabet Book: A handful of our favorite books that she is sure to love, and that you will, too. They are all clever and fun to read.
(8) Furry Rainbow Purse: Yep, one more accessory.
(9) Buggy Wuggly: Ok, the colors on this guy aren't my fave, but he is beloved by my kids (even the big ones!). His eyeballs light up in fun colors and make ridiculous cute noises when pressed, and you can store things under the seat. I have found Ellie's lovey stashed in there about 800 times.
(10) Ice Cream Stand: This one is really fun. It's very interactive, and I love that the pieces are all wooden. The girls love playing ice cream shop, and it stores so neatly and prettily.
(11) Mint stool/seat: Ellie has a stool that she loves to carry around. She takes it to the bathroom to wash her hands, to the kitchen to help me cook, to get into her big sisters' stuff . . . this one is super cute, and I love that it has a handle that makes it easy to carry around, and also turns into a seat.
(12) Shopping Cart and Baby Car: Things to push around that you can put things in are big with this age; this one is really cute, and I love that it has a place for a baby doll.
(13) High Chair: My girls love putting their babies into high chairs to feed them or to put them at the table to "eat" with us.
(14) Play Kitchen: I love this cute and affordable kitchen! A lot of you asked about the one my dad made, and I think this one is a good option that isn't too much.
(15) Play Kitchen 2: Just for another option! This one also has a little refrigerator, and also at a great price.
(16) Pretend Washer and Dryer: Ellie is all about playing pretend, and this set would be so cute for "washing" doll clothes and learning how to do laundry!
Hope that helps!