sleep hacks for toddlers

sleep hacks for toddlers

sponsored by Johnson's

hacks for getting toddlers to sleep(This post is sponsored by Johnson's.)

Getting little ones to sleep can be super dicey, especially when traveling (hi, holidays!) or if you are making transitions (ah, the crib to toddler bed transition can be a tough one!), but we have a few tried and true tricks up our sleeves that make things consistent and reliable so the little ones tend to drift off more easily.  That’s why I’m excited to partner with JOHNSON’S® to share some of my parenting hacks with you.

Ps. check out their latest Facebook Live to learn some additional hacks for newborns, babies and toddlers. I
know I’m going to be incorporating a few into my daily life!

First: Blackout curtains.  Not all curtains come with a blackout liner, so I have double curtain rods in the girls' rooms so I can hang a blackout liner behind the pretty patterned curtains.  It's also not a bad idea to put them in the grandparents' houses to make things nice and dark in the evenings so the little ones know it's time for bed.

Next up: A sound machine.  I love having a small one, so it's super easy to take it with us when we travel.

getting toddlers to sleep at nightLastly, we use a night light.  I resisted it for a long time, but it is kind of nice to have a little light in the room if I have to come in for a nightmare or something.  We even take ours on the road, and I think it makes the girls feel comforted if they wake up to see their familiar little light in the room.  Sometimes it feels a little bright, so we put a shirt on it if that is the case!

So, there you have it - our favorites for getting the crazy littles to sleep!  Easy peasy, right?  It can still be so hard, especially when things feel a little all over the place during the holidays, but having a few things that keep things consistent and routine (even when traveling!) can make bedtime SO much easier.

Thank you so much to Johnson's for sponsoring this post!  Also, be sure to check out this post for tips on a bedtime routine for babies, too.


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