surviving the sickies

The past two weeks have been a bit long, as we have all been hit with the sickies!   It started off with the stomach bug (which thankfully, I managed to escape!) and then some kind of cold thing, complete with fevers and yucky coughs and desperate attempts to keep all the coughing away from the baby!  I'm hopeful this weekend will give everyone a chance to recover well!  Here are a few of my favorite things to survive the long days and night of sick little ones . . .

humidifiers in everyone's rooms (I have found this to be hugely helpful when the sniffles first appear! Brigie has had croup twice, pretty badly, and she started sounding croupy this week, but keeping the house cool and the humidifier on at night seems to really help!) | saline drops for Ellie and spray for the big girls to keep noses un-stuffied| boogie wipes for little noses | this to brighten my eyes | this mascara to open up tired eyes | cute bobbies to keep hair out of my face when I don't have time to fix it | my favorite tea in the morning

and then of course, lots and lots and lots of book reading and snuggles!


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